After announcing the launch of the Telegram game Ragnarok as Delabs Games’ first move in focusing on launching games on the Telegram Mini-App Ecosystem, the South Korean blockchain-focused game developer introduced the second Telegram game, Boxing Star.
What’s the significance: Though there is no confirmation yet, Delabs Games’ Telegram-based games are expected to be part of the developer’s $GAME airdrop campaign.
Key Details: Boxing Star is a mobile game that has surpassed the 70 million download milestone. It is not a web3 game.
- The Developer: The game is created by 4:33 Creative Lab, the parent company of Delabs Games.
- 4:33 Creative Lab was the top developer and publisher on Kakao Games in 2013 and 2014.
- It also integrated games like Blade and Hero on the South Korean social platform, Kakao.
- What to Expect? There is no formal announcement yet about the Telegram version of the game.
- But in a press release, Delabs Games confirmed that Boxing Star will feature a web2-web3 integration by merging traditional gaming elements with blockchain technology through earning opportunities and asset ownership.
- Wen Launch? The Telegram version of Boxing Star is scheduled to be available in the third quarter of 2025.
Key Quote:
“If we are able to bring games that have proven numbers in terms of economy, core loop, and onboarding, verified by live servicing and operations data, this will reduce the chance of failure by a dramatic degree. This would be even stronger with a game that has a well-known IP. This is why we have decided to bring two major titles to Telegram: a Ragnarok idle RPG and Boxing Star, both proven games with proven IPs.”
Joonmo Kwon, Chief Executive Officer, Delabs Games
Worth Reading: The first Telegram-based game that will be launched by Delabs Games as part of its initiative to publish games on Telegram is Ragnarok, which is speculated to be Ragnarok Labyrinth, an NFT game first released by Gravity in 2022 but was discontinued.
This article is published on BitPinas: Mobile Boxing Game with 70M Downloads To Have a Telegram Mini App in 2025
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